The sample program (amqsput) gets installed on Windows when you install either Client or Server. However, on Linux – you must install sample RPM. If you haven’t then you will not have amqsput file available under bin folder. Sample program RPM is included in MQ 8 installer, all you got to do is install this RPM to start using amqsput program. If you have installed MQ 8 as explained here, you will have MQSeriesSamples-8.0.0-2.x86_64.rpm under server folder.

Install MQ Sample Program

Go to the location where you have MQSeriesSamples-8.0.0-2.x86_64.rpm Use rpm command to install this package

Now, amqsput is installed and available under /opt/mqm/samp/bin folder. This helped me and I hope you too.

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