The topmost priority of SEO professionals or marketers is to maintain website performance. From website speed to traffic, ranking to maintaining the site, everything is the responsibility of the marketers. Tags are one of the significant ways to keep the website floating without any hiccups. Consider tag as a snippet of code implemented to collect digital marketing and analytics tools data. This code is embedded in mobile applications, web pages, and other digital channels to collect relevant data to create remarketing lists and use behavior. The tag can allow users to launch product functionalities such as chat and advertising. Earlier, the team had to send out a ticket to update or deploy a tag which takes time for the data professionals to get faster results. However, with Tag Management Systems, it is possible to do it instantly without involving the IT team. Also, it can deploy container code instead of deploying each tag. Companies depend on tag management solutions to analyze the results and follow best practices. The question arises: What is a tag management solution, and why it is used.

What is Tag Management?

Tag Management Solution/Software/System (TMS) allows marketers to deploy the tags using a single container tag on the site or mobile application. The platform uses triggers or defines rules in the interface while firing up the tags to increase the page load speed. The marketers can determine what the tag signifies before triggering it, such as form submissions, page views, etc. It offers data management, customization, tech support, and privacy and security controls. Along with this, the user can track the entire click path, maintenance of tags, and standardizes the updating tags process. Tag Management Software is used because:

Allowing marketers to update tags instantlymaking web pages load fasterQuick testingSaving money while deleting duplicate tagsTracking tagsMatured landscapeMonitor and track user engagement

With this said, here are the popular tag management solutions in the market.

Tealium iQ

Tealium iQ Tag Management Solution enables companies to manage and control their data across IoT, mobile, web, and other connected devices. The Tealium iQ TMS offers several features such as:

Unified customer data sources using the Universal Data Layer approach allow marketers to develop a roadmap. It will enable marketers to unite nomenclature and standard definitions to explain interactions.Protect data and privacy to understand raw data. Still, on top of that, it is essential to know who is using the data and how empowering to develop policies for data collection, audit the data collection, and offer website visitors a convenient choice.Industry’s largest integration ecosystem to speed up time and gain efficiencies with more than 1,300 turnkey integration, 50 extensions, and a flexible browser or cloud-based approach. The fastest tag delivery network for better reliability and speed ensures continual high performance to handle intelligent vendors and global multi-CDN architecture. It offers an ability to inherit properties like setting up multiple deployment environments, assigning user-level permissions, site profiles, revenue unauthorized access, etc.

Tealium iQ allows marketers to choose the most scalable tag management solutions, serves faster tags, and better solutions for complex requirements. It comes with an API data layer that enables the universal data object for remote management.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager has eliminated the requirement of editing code to manage website tags. It delivers easy, reliable, and simple solutions to marketers for free. The software helps increase agility to understand site analytics, conversation, etc. Other than this, there are several features of Google Tag Management, such as:

It is easy to integrate Google Tag Manager with all the third-party and Google tags. Straightforward collaboration with the team across the business.Significant features include granular access controls, workspaces, and support for multi-environment testing. To manage tags, one can go for speedy tag loading, security features, and error checking. Offers turnkey templates and third-party tags to make tag management easier.

The tag management solution offers auto-event triggers, debug or preview tools, and a user-friendly interface. It is also easy to design third-party tags seamlessly to increase efficiency and save time. The TMS tool is ideal for Google Ads offering dynamic remarketing, basic remarketing, and conversion tracking features.

Adobe Experience Platform Launch

Adobe is famous for almost everything from design to marketing. If you aim to obtain standout experiences, Adobe Experience Platform Launch can be the first step. It is packed with integrated and unified data tools to connect with multiple technologies and receive top-notch experiences. The benefits of Adobe Experience Platform Launch are:

Deploy faster and automatically to write scripts using powerful open APIsSimplified data collections to receive helpful insightsEvolving technology to create the best integrations using third-party engineersUnified tech delivers a better experience

The TMS platform offers enriched data, flexible implementations, more robust data governance, better performance, and is future-proof. It also supports OTT, mobile, and web, giving marketing teams, developers, and IT members and unifies disparate data, automate processes, and accommodate new functionalities. The time-consuming tasks can take a seat back using API-first designs to publish the workflow and automate deployment.

Commanders Act

Commanders Act enterprise tag management solution is a no-brainer that ensures data is protected for marketers. It increases the team’s agility and enlightens digital strategies for the business, tech, and legal teams. On top of that, the software follows data governance to optimize storage, collection, and activation, offering a secure framework. The tool also offers a digital landscape while listening to the sharing and customer signals. It aims to accelerate first-party data collection and reduce dependency on browsers empowering organizations. The software offers better performance and enhanced productivity for good customer data flow. Commander Act includes relevant data to campaign devices for optimizing media investments and enhancing user experiences. The agile and autonomous initiatives help the technical teams stop JavaScript customization and work faster.


Signal Tag Management Software is a go-to solution for analytical partners and marketers. It accelerates the data-driven initiatives to improve website performance, accelerate the launch of the data-driven initiative, and establish IT development cycles. The software streamlines data collection for marketing and analytics programs offering more time for innovations and less for wrangling code. Signal allows users to gain speed and agility when managing tags offering fewer limits and faster page load time. The TMS works on server-direct technology preventing data loss and trimming tags. It is easy to update or configure tags on the timeline without wasting more than a few minutes. The technology offers URL query string parameters, HTML elements, and first-party cookies to store and capture data for the website. It works with device context, user IDs, and behavioral data to identify the same users across vendors, devices, and browsers.

Piwik PRO

Piwik Pro Tag Manager is a great way to focus on the data instead of tags. It is a streamlined software that can collect data and use it in detail. The significant features involved in Piwik Pro are data privacy, security, data control, debugging, and creating tags. Some of them are:

Out-of-the-box analytics integrations come with custom variables, events, goal conversion, form tracking, and virtual page views. It includes a library of variables, triggers, and tags without writing any JavaScript code. The marketing stack management for JS Code, pixels, and tags for digital products and websites.

TMS helps boost privacy for all tags to define tags and adjust tracking. It is also easy to debug and test pixels, tags, and marketing tools in a safe environment to find out potential problems. The customization features benefit the Piwik Pro tag manager that doesn’t need to write JavaScript code and leverage personalized content.


Several tag management options are available in the market, but how can you determine the right one. It is best to consider the top features of the software, such as:

Tag testing and error checkingTag implementation, maintenance, and managementOn-premises and cloud deployment optionsIntegrates with video players, third-party content, social media widgets, ads, etc. Event trackingTag library, variable tag mapping, tag templates, asynchronous tags, custom tagsRole-based user permissionsTag performance monitoringTag firing rules engine

Before finalizing one, marketers must consider web analytics, features, marketing profits, and the integration mode of the tag management solutions. Apart from that, there are several marketing tools that one can opt for to increase their website visibility in the market.

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